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LLMをデプロイする際に、LLM部分の量子化が必要になることが多いです。MiniGPT4のようなVision & Language(マルチモーダル)なLLMに焦点をあて、AutoGPTQとBitsAndBytesという2つの量子化フレームワークに対し、文章生成速度の観点から比較しました。AWSのEC2のGPUインスタンス上で検証します。


MiniGPT4のようなVision & LanguageなLLMモデルをデプロイする際に、「1枚のGPUに収まらない問題」を解決するために量子化を検討する必要が出てきます。以前の記事ではllama.cppでのLLMの部分の量子化とスループットの関係を調べました。





フレームワーク 量子化時の訓練データ 量子化した状態でのモデル保存




適当なフリー素材を10枚用意し、プロンプトは「Describe this image」にします。インスタンスや条件ごとに推論し、その推論速度token per seconds)を比較します。

検証条件は以下の通りです。すべてAWSのEC2で、gp2で300GB(900IOPS)のEBSを追加しております。また、各試行はDocker runの形で行い、LLM部分はEBS部分からマウントさせています。

  • インスタンス
    • g4dn.2xlarge(T4 GPU / 32GB RAM)
    • g5.2xlarge(A10g GPU / 32GB RAM)
    • g5.4xlarge (A10g GPU / 64GB RAM)
  • 量子化フレームワーク
    • AutoGPTQ
      • ビット数は2, 3, 4, 8
    • BitsAndBytes
      • ビット数は4, 8, 16(量子化なし)
  • モデル:MiniGPT4公式で公開されている以下の3モデルで実験
    • Vicuna V0 13B
    • Vicuna V0 7B
    • Llama 2 Chat 7B
  • ビームサーチ
    • 1(ビームサーチなし), 2, 4
  • Vision EncoderやQ-Formerは量子化なし


文章生成の速度(token per seconds)を比較します。数値が高いほうが速いです

データが欠損しているのは、CUDA OOMになったか、RAM不足で量子化が動かなかった(AutoGPTQ)、BytesAndBytesでは2ビット・3ビットの量子化ができなかったのいずれかです。考察は以下の通りです

  • 全般的にビームサーチは推論速度の向上には役立たなかった
  • 7Bモデルは、g5(24GB VRAM)ではFP16で推論できたが、g4dn(16GB VRAM)ではFP16は不可能だった
  • 13Bモデルは、g5では4ビット・8ビットの推論が可能だったが、g4dnでは4ビットしか推論できなかった
  • AutoGPTQでは、量子化の部分でRAMを多く使うため、32GBの2xlargeインスタンスではプロセスがkillされてしまい13Bモデルが量子化できなかった
    • ただこれは量子化の部分の問題なので、すでに量子化されたモデルがあってそれを読み込むだけなら変わる可能性がある
    • g4dnも4xlargeでやれば13Bの4ビットモデルはAutoGPTQでも動くはず
  • BitsAndBytesでは16ビットのまま(量子化なし)動かすのが最も速く、次に速い4ビットの量子化では2/3程度の速度になった
  • AutoGPTQでは、16ビットの推論速度を上回る結果がいくつかあった。2~4ビットが特に速く、4ビットが最も速い






BitsAndBytes 4bit / beam=1 BitsAndBytes 8bit / beam=1 FP16 (NO Quantization)
This image shows a cardboard box filled with various food items, including bread, olives, and cheese. The box is sitting on a gray wall. This image shows a cardboard box filled with various food items such as bread, lemons, cheese, and vegetables. The box appears to be empty, with no contents visible. The background is a dark gray wall. The image is focused on the box and its contents. The image shows a cardboard box with various food items inside, including bread, pickles, lemons, and bottled water. The box is on a black background. The food items appear to be ready to eat. The overall impression of the image is one of a well-stocked grocery cart or lunchbox.
This image shows a happy family sitting on a couch. The mother is holding the child while the father looks at the camera. The image is taken in a living room with a white couch, a white wall, and a white ceiling. The family is smiling and appears to be enjoying each other’s company. This image shows a happy family of three people sitting on a couch. The mother is holding her child, who is smiling and looking at the camera. The father is standing behind them, looking at the camera with a smile on his face. The family is sitting in a modern living room, with a white couch, a white rug, and white walls. The room is well lit, with plenty of natural light coming in from the windows. The mood of the image is happy and affectionate. This image shows a happy family with a young child sitting on the sofa. The parents are holding the child and smiling at the camera. The child is looking up at the camera with a big smile on its face. The room appears to be bright and well-lit with a large window on one side. The sofa is covered in a white, patterned fabric, and there is a small table with a vase of flowers in the foreground. The overall mood of the image is joyful and relaxed.
This image shows three children running across a lush green field. The children are holding hands and running together. The image is taken from above, giving a bird’s eye view of the children running across the field. The children are all wearing the same color clothing, with one wearing a blue shirt and shorts and the other two wearing pink and white shirts and shorts. The children have long, curly hair and are smiling as they run. The sky is a bright blue, and there are a few clouds in the distance. The image is taken on a sunny day. The image depicts three young children running in a grassy field on a sunny day. Two girls and one boy are running hand in hand, laughing and having fun in the sun. They are dressed in colorful clothes, with one wearing a yellow shirt and shorts, one wearing a blue shirt and shorts, and the other wearing a pink shirt and shorts. The children have long, wavy hair and smiles on their faces. In the background, there is a clear blue sky with some clouds, and a few trees can be seen on the horizon. The image is quite peaceful and joyful, with the children running and laughing together. This image shows three young girls, likely around the age of 3 to 5, walking through a lush green field holding hands. The sun is shining down on them and there are trees in the background. The girls are wearing brightly colored clothes, with one wearing a pink shirt and shorts, and the other two wearing blue shirts and shorts. They are smiling and look happy as they walk together.
The image shows three women sitting at a table in a coffee shop. They are all laughing and smiling. One of them is holding a bag of food and the other is drinking coffee. The third woman is looking at her phone. The background is a white wall with shelves and a clock. The image is well lit with natural light. There is no visible shadows. This image shows two young women sitting at a table in a restaurant or coffee shop, laughing and smiling as they enjoy their food. The one on the left has her hair tied back in a ponytail, while the one on the right has it loosely tied back in a bun. They both have their arms resting on the table, and they both have coffee cups in front of them. The overall mood of the image is one of happiness and joy. In this image, two women are sitting at a table in a coffee shop. They are both smiling and eating something from their hands. The woman on the left has a sandwich in her hand, and the woman on the right has a cup of coffee. The table is wooden and has a white tablecloth on it. The lighting in the image is bright and well-lit, casting shadows on the women’s faces. The overall atmosphere of the image is cheerful and relaxed.
This image shows an elderly woman sitting on a couch in a living room. She is wearing a light grey sweater and looks content. The room is light and airy, with a large window providing natural light. The walls are painted a pale grey and there is a rug on the floor. There is a small table with a vase of flowers on it in the foreground, and the woman’s hands are resting on her lap. In the background, there is a view of the outdoors through the window. The overall atmosphere of the image is peaceful and content. This image depicts an elderly woman sitting on a couch with a smile on her face. She is wearing a gray sweater and is holding a white book in her hands. The room is well lit and appears to be a living room with windows and a fireplace. The woman looks happy and content, and her face is well-lit. This image shows an older Asian woman sitting on a couch in a living room, smiling. She is wearing a gray sweater and has her hair styled in a bun. The room is bright and well lit, with plenty of natural light streaming in through the windows. There are plants and furniture in the room, including a sofa, chair, and table. The walls are painted a pale gray color. The overall atmosphere of the image is relaxed and inviting.


左から4ビット、8ビット、FP16です。思ったよりも劣化は少ないように思えます。ただ、量子化に使用したデータセットがLLM用のデータセットで、MiniGPT4のようなVision & Languageモデル用のデータではないためそこのドメインギャップには注意する必要があります。

AutoGPTQ 4bit / beam=1 AutoGPTQ 8bit / beam=1 FP16 (NO Quantization)
The image shows a box filled with various food items such as bread, olives, and lemons. The box is open and has several items inside, including fruits and vegetables. The background is a dark gray wall. The image shows a cardboard box filled with various food items, including bread, grapes, olives, and cheese. The box is placed on a gray background. The image shows a cardboard box with various food items inside, including bread, pickles, lemons, and bottled water. The box is on a black background. The food items appear to be ready to eat. The overall impression of the image is one of a well-stocked grocery cart or lunchbox.
This image shows a family having a conversation on a white couch. The mother is holding her baby in her arms, while the father is standing behind her, looking at the baby with a smile on his face. The baby is giggling and looking up at the father, who is wearing a black t-shirt and black jeans. The living room has a white couch, a white rug, and a large window with white curtains. The room appears to be well lit and spacious, with minimal furniture and decorations. The overall atmosphere is warm and happy. The image shows a man and woman sitting on a white couch with a small child standing behind them. The man and woman are smiling and looking at the child, who appears to be happy. The image is bright and well lit, with a clear focus on the family’s faces. The room appears to be a modern, well-appointed living space, with clean lines and neutral colors. The overall mood of the image is warm and happy. This image shows a happy family with a young child sitting on the sofa. The parents are holding the child and smiling at the camera. The child is looking up at the camera with a big smile on its face. The room appears to be bright and well-lit with a large window on one side. The sofa is covered in a white, patterned fabric, and there is a small table with a vase of flowers in the foreground. The overall mood of the image is joyful and relaxed.
This image shows three young children, two girls and one boy, running through a grassy field with a bright blue sky and fluffy white clouds in the background. They are all wearing casual clothing, with one girl wearing a pink shirt and shorts and the other wearing a white t-shirt and jeans. The boy is wearing a blue shirt and shorts. They are all holding hands and laughing as they run through the field. The image conveys a sense of carefree joy and playfulness. The image depicts a group of young children, two girls and one boy, walking through a grassy field. They are holding hands and laughing as they walk. The sky is clear and blue, and there are trees in the background. The image is taken in a natural setting with a green field and clear blue sky. The mood is happy and carefree. The overall effect is one of joy and togetherness. This image shows three young girls, likely around the age of 3 to 5, walking through a lush green field holding hands. The sun is shining down on them and there are trees in the background. The girls are wearing brightly colored clothes, with one wearing a pink shirt and shorts, and the other two wearing blue shirts and shorts. They are smiling and look happy as they walk together.
The image shows three women sitting at a table in a restaurant, looking at their phones while holding cups of coffee. The two women on the left are smiling and laughing, while the woman on the right looks serious. The image is shot from a low angle, giving the viewer a sense of the women’s height and the room’s decor. The overall tone of the image is cheerful and relaxed. This image shows three young women sitting at a table in a restaurant, laughing and having a conversation while enjoying their food. The woman on the left is holding a coffee cup, while the woman on the right is holding a doughnut. The woman in the middle is smiling and appears to be in good spirits. The restaurant appears to be modern and stylish, with a clean and white interior. The lighting is bright and well-lit, giving the scene a cheerful and welcoming atmosphere. In this image, two women are sitting at a table in a coffee shop. They are both smiling and eating something from their hands. The woman on the left has a sandwich in her hand, and the woman on the right has a cup of coffee. The table is wooden and has a white tablecloth on it. The lighting in the image is bright and well-lit, casting shadows on the women’s faces. The overall atmosphere of the image is cheerful and relaxed.
This image depicts an older Asian woman sitting on a couch in a modern living room, smiling and looking directly at the camera. The woman is wearing a white blouse and black pants, and has graying hair. The room behind her is sparsely furnished and has a clean, modern look. The overall atmosphere is cheerful and relaxed. This is an image of an older woman sitting on a couch, wearing a light gray sweater and smiling at the camera. The background is a white wall and there are some plants in the foreground. The lighting is bright and natural, with some shadows on the wall behind the woman. The overall atmosphere is cozy and warm. This image shows an older Asian woman sitting on a couch in a living room, smiling. She is wearing a gray sweater and has her hair styled in a bun. The room is bright and well lit, with plenty of natural light streaming in through the windows. There are plants and furniture in the room, including a sofa, chair, and table. The walls are painted a pale gray color. The overall atmosphere of the image is relaxed and inviting.




AutoGPTQ 2bit / beam=1 AutoGPTQ 3bit / beam=1
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  • AutoGPTQ
    • 事前に量子化の訓練が終わり、そのモデルが保存されている状態でのモデル読み込み時間
    • AutoGPTQの量子化の訓練時間のデータは取り忘れてしまったので、すみませんが省略します
  • BitsAndBytes
    • FP16のモデルから量子化が終わるまでの時間




  • BitsAndBytesでは、全モデルに対して16ビット(量子化なし)が2倍ぐらいロード遅い
  • 13Bではg5.4xlargeでもFP16はOOMになってしまい計測不可能だった
  • 特に13Bモデルかつ、BitsAndBytesでは2xlargeと4xlargeのロード時間の差がかなりはっきり(2~3倍程度)出るのが面白い点
    • これはおそらく13BのモデルをBitsAndBytesで最初読むときに(FP16)、2xlarge(RAMが32GB)だとRAMがギリギリになり、CPU部分でのオーバーヘッドが発生するため
    • 4xlargeだとRAMが64GBあるため、CPU部分でのオーバーヘッドが消えたため初期ロードが高速化した
  • RAMが潤沢にあれば、BitsAndBytesとAutoGPTQのロード時間は、仮にBitsAndBytesの量子化が入っていてもそこまで大きな差にはならない



  • BitsAndBytesの場合は、量子化なし(FP16)が最も速く、4ビットはおよそ2/3の速度。量子化に訓練データが必要ないため手軽にでき、訓練データ特有のドメインシフト問題を気にする必要がない
  • AutoGPTQの場合は、4ビットが最も速く、量子化なしを上回る。2・3ビットは4ビットより遅く、生成文章もかなり雑になるので使わなくて良い
  • Vision & Languageモデルにおける、量子化のフレームワーク・量子化ビット数に関しては定量的かつ慎重に再検討する必要がありそう
  • BitsAndBytesで初期ロードを短縮したい場合、4xlargeのような潤沢なメモリ環境が必要


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